Sunday, April 6, 2014

Blog 1-3 Educ. 642

What are your ideas of what a technology integration specialist is as you previously learned in other SNHU courses? Also, discuss today’s students and teachers as related to their use of technology in and out of the classroom. 

We currently have a technology teacher, but as he and I were talking the other day it is more and more necessary for him to be working with students on relevant assignments that are integrated into the subject matter the students are learning elsewhere.  I teach art and I am even feeling more and more that I wish I wasn't so separate from everything else, but integrated into what the students are already doing.  I do feel that this is a difficult transition for a school that has been operating as very separate inclusive classrooms.  A technology integration specialist would be someone that would help teachers integrate technology in meaningful ways in their classroom.  The integration specialist would be able to help teachers coordinate technology into the content areas in ways that they may not even be aware of.  I think the module lecture/podcast is absolutely correct in that our students are on another planet when they are in school because of the lack of technology.  I feel that it is unfortunate that schools seem somewhat afraid to let students use their own technology because this would be a cost-effective way to have technology in the classroom for everyone.  The problem in our school is supplying students with the type of technology we want them to have and supply it to everyone.


  1. I can understand that a lot of schools simply don't have the technology to go around, but not even considering the option of allowing students to use their own devices seems unfair to the students. I think there are so many ways to use technology, even if it is scarce, an integration specialist would be beneficial in helping teachers find creative ways to use it.

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  3. I also agree in BYOD! But I think it's great that, as an art teacher, you are taking technology courses. I think technology can be a great asset to art class. Think of how you can bring in art appreciation via virtual tours of art museums or iPad apps that show different artists' collections. You can also use blogs or social media for students to share photos of their artwork. There are lots of ways technology can complement art.

    1. Cindy,
      I am really interested in bringing more technology into my art class. Currently I use a projector to show videos posted online about art. The students get so much out of it and I like how I can show them a 5 min. video that gives a great springboard to our projects. For example, I have been showing this video: to my students this week and next as we conclude Lent. I teach in a Catholic School. I can discuss the "La Pieta" by Michelangelo. The story, art, and history of this piece. I play it for the younger students without the sound and we discuss close observation and what we see.
      This year I also began using an online art portfolio site for my 5th and 6th graders to store and display their artwork. They can share it with family and friends near and far who want to see their art.
